Are you looking for interesting work opportunities in Germany? If so, you’ll be happy to know that the German job market is thriving and it offers plenty of interesting opportunities every year. Germany’s own Federal Employment Agency estimates that in order to meet its labor need, the nation requires approximately 400,000 skilled immigrants to migrate there annually. Whether you’re looking for a position in a large corporation or a small startup, Germany has something to offer everyone. So what are you waiting for? Go through the tips and tricks listed below and start your job search today and see what Germany has in store for you!

The job market in Germany:

With the fifth-biggest economy in the world and the largest economy in Europe, Germany makes a considerable number of jobs available for foreigners with skills, Germany has one of the European Union’s lowest unemployment rates and it is widely regarded as one of the world’s most productive economies, with extremely high performance per each worker. According to July 2020 stats, there are more than 573,000 job openings in Germany.
Aerospace and vehicle manufacturing, information technology, life sciences and pharmaceuticals, logistics, healthcare, agriculture, renewable energy, and digital marketing are some of the very few sectors in which Germany requires ample employees every year. Germany is home to several significant multinational corporations, particularly in the automobile industry. You must have heard at least one of the German company names:

1. Volkswagen (Automotive)
2. Thyssenkrupp (Industrial Solution)
3. Daimler (Automotive)
4. Adidas – yes Adidas is a german brand 🙂 (Sports)
5. Allianz (Finance)
6. Lufthansa (Airlines)
7. BMW (Automotive)
8. Siemens (Electronics)
9. Bosch (Electronics)
10. Deutsche Telekom (Telecommunications)

These were very few of some of Germany’s largest corporations. But it is not always necessary that you should start with big names, Germany is currently witnessing a start-up surge. Because of the rise of globalization in business, start-ups are actively seeking international professionals. Not only that, but Berlin, Germany’s capital, is a magnet for limitless chances and resources for business. Did you know that a new business is established in Berlin every 20 minutes? Small and Medium Enterprises account for around 90% of all firms in Germany, and they employ roughly two-thirds of all workers. This presents a great chance for international job seekers looking for opportunities in Germany.

How to find jobs in Germany:

There is good news for all foreigners seeking employment in Germany. As mentioned above, due to a shortage of experienced workers, many businesses are frantically seeking competent individuals to fill thousands of positions around the country, Germany is now experiencing a phenomenon known as “Fachkraeftemangel,”- lack of skilled workers.

Job websites in Germany:

There are numerous job boards in Germany, but the largest provider of labor market services in Germany is the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA), which operates a network of more than 700 agencies and offices across the nation. Information on employment options, including temporary labor, is available through its International Placement Service section. You can post your skills and professional highlights on their employment portal and may also specify the kind of position you’re seeking within the particular industry. Other than that, German job and recruitment websites (Jobbörsen) frequently promote positions, with some specializing in specific areas or focusing on opportunities in Germany for foreigners. We have categorized the available job platforms in Germany:

Social Media:



Gesinesjobtipps (website works only in German)

English-speaking and Startup jobs in Germany:

Top language jobs
English jobs
Next Station
Germany Startup Jobs
The Local

Internship and academics related:

Academics – academic and research jobs
Jobware – management, and specialist
Staufenbiel – internships and graduate jobs
Absolventa– internship
Jobteaser -internship
Stepstone – internships and graduate jobs

Five tips for job seekers in Germany:

Now that you know where to look for jobs in Germany, here are five important tips to follow to ensure that you put your best foot forward and bag the job opportunities.

Learn the German language:

While it is possible to work in Germany without knowing German, your chances of getting hired will be significantly increased if you know the language. Of course, there are many work opportunities that only demand English, but these tend to be more competitive, so knowing at least some German is a major advantage. As a general rule, you want to submit your application in the language of the job advertisement it is posted in. Because the majority of opportunities are listed in German in Germany, submitting solely an English application decreases your chances of even passing the application review round. While most Germans understand English, the working language of the vast majority of companies is German. Therefore job employers are looking for someone who can communicate with the internal team effectively. For them to check your German language proficiency they will ask you the Goethe Certification upto minimum B1 level. Hence, knowing German as well as having the international certificate will greatly improve your job securing chances! You need to start learning the language as soon as you can so that by the time you get to Germany you become more fluent and at ease while speaking. You can get in touch with us at ASAP German Language Institute to know more about learning German language and how to get the Goethe international certificate. We provide both online and offline German training and will prepare you uptil B1 Goethe Examination within as little as 6 months of time.

German-ify your résumé :

If you wish to work in any country, you must first construct a résumé and a cover letter according to the country’s norms. Your German CV, similarly needs to be edited and customized. Don’t worry though, you do not need to edit a lot, but rather make some simple changes, like:
1. The resume length must be 1–2 A4 pages, without any fancy designs.
2. The resume should be in chronological order i.e describe your professional experience first, followed by your education, starting from your most recent one to the oldest.
3. Include your address, birth date, nationality, marital status, and a recent passport-sized photograph in the upper right corner of your CV. These elements are often optional in many countries, but they are obligatory in Germany.
4. Avoid lengthening your resume with fancy and elaborate sentences. No matter how short the content appears, being direct and precise will impress the employer more.


It is a German thing that when a job position becomes available in a German company, the hiring team first asks its employees of their organization if any existing employees know someone who is qualified for the available role. If no reference comes up from them, only then they will post an official job listing. This lessens the job availability for the general public. The key to tackling such a problem is to expand your network. These days, with apps like LinkedIn and others, you can easily grow your network even online and remotely. Also, make sure to regularly update your social media platforms for the same.

Keep your documents and especially health insurance ready:

You may have realized by now that German employers want the hiring process to be as smooth as possible, therefore they may narrow the list of applicants to those who speak German. When you go to the final round of interviews, make sure you don’t leave any room for rejection. In order to achieve that, you must know that even if an employer is willing to hire you, they won’t do so if they learn that you lack the documentation required to work peacefully in German. Make sure that you atleast are half ready to obtain them and assure the employer that they would acquire the documents in no time after being selected. These documents would include: a German-recognized diploma, adequate health insurance (everyone living in Germany is required to have an active health insurance), and a German bank account. As soon as you are offered the job, you must obtain an employment or job seeker visa for Germany, and once there, you must acquire a tax identification number, a Police clearance certificate (Bürgeramt), and a Red card.

Send unsolicited resumes:

As you may be aware now that it’s a norm in Germany that when a job opening becomes available, the individual in an employee’s social circle is given first priority. When there are no references available, the job employers list the job. Even if they are not recruiting currently, you can make their task of posting a job and going through a long interview process easier by sending your CV beforehand when they are looking for a candidate. Instead of interviewing hundreds of individuals, they may simply contact you when the post becomes available. You can do so by just visiting a company’s website and sending your résumé via the provided email or through apps like LinkedIn.


In the article, we have shared how to get a job in Germany. If you want to work in Germany, make sure you learn the language and are job-ready. If you want more information regarding German Language learning and Exam Preparations must visit ASAP German Language Institute.